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Close-up of the primed section of Dynamometer roof - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1246 times.
Quarter to 6pm the first section of the roof has one coat of primer - Photo by Chuck Trabert - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1102 times.
Another shot of Chuck P applying primer - Photo by Chuck Trabert - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1059 times.
Chuck P applying primer - Photo by Chuck Trabert - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1067 times.
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It was near 5pm when Chuck Pomazal started applying primer - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1076 times.
Around 3pm Chuck T was applying metal prep - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1056 times.
Warren sandblasting again at half past noon - Photo by Chuck Trabert - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1067 times.
Another shot of Chuck T sandblasting - Photo by Jane Pomazal - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1118 times.
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Chuct Trabert began sandblasting before noon - Photo by Jane Pomazal - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1089 times.
Chuck Pomazal helped Chuck Trabert into the respirator - Photo by Jane Pomazal - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1290 times.
Warren went first to test the sandblasting before 10am - Photo courtesy of Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1111 times.
The team gathered on the scaffold to examine the early sandblasting results - Photo by Jane Pomazal - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1084 times.
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Chuck Trabert moves a cable out of the way before the test begins - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1092 times.
The final run on Sunday - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1186 times.
1630 has made it's coupling and is pumping the air back up - Photo by Brian LaKemper - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1159 times.
The coach train is ready for service - Photo by Brian LaKemper - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1128 times.
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Looking forward from the kitchen end of the car with the car's 32v DC lights lit up - Photo by Brian LaKemper - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1134 times.
T-Bird by Johnson Siding on Sunday - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1073 times.
Night run - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1120 times.
Night run starting out on Station Track 2 - Photo by Warren Newhauser - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1154 times.
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