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Red Mars light beacon protecting the back of the Dyno (frame from a video). 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1459 times.
X-5000 volunteer Brian LaKemper (left) and Jeron Glander (right) work on the hydraulic dynamometer unit. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1239 times.
Dyno’s 32VDC trainline powering the 3 coaches equipped with 120V bulbs makes for a nice ambiance! We offered to replace some of the 120V bulbs with 32V to provide more light, but when we did the passengers adamantly insisted they preferred the soft glow of 120V bulbs better. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1171 times.
Instrument Panel showing loco throttle position, gen field, and other on/off events. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1264 times.
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Red Mars light mounted on back protects the car. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1170 times.
Looking back from the instrument room towards the kitchen. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1173 times.
Looking forward into the night. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1191 times.
Welding the cut lever bracket back on in Yard 11. The Diesel Dept guys straightened it out for us. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1162 times.
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Warren Newhauser at the instrument panel 9/14/13 - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1176 times.
X-5000 was pulled out to the mainline 9/14/13 - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1208 times.
Buzz Morisette making coffee with the old percolator coffee pot on the propane stove. 9/14/13. - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1187 times.
A view down the side of the Dyno while testing the new lights - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1178 times.
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Larry is seen securing a jelly jar light - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1155 times.
Wood carlines made over winter in the wood shop - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1169 times.
Buzz Morrisette delivered drip caps for the side doors with other materials processed over the winter - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1216 times.
Chuck Trabert used two wrenches to open the boiler drain - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1239 times.
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Larry Kuehn threading wires for the light installation - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1250 times.
Wiring completed for the kitchen "B" end jelly jar light - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1171 times.
Warren working on the Waukesha propane Enginator (generator) control panel - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1259 times.
Enginator control relays received from theCharles City & Western Ry at Charles City IA - Pauline Trabert (trabert) Viewed: 1222 times.
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