Planned Giving

The Illinois Railway Museum has been around for more than 65 years due to the consistent support of people like you. You can keep IRM on track for the next generation by considering the museum in your estate planning or by including the museum as a beneficiary of your retirement plans.

Bequests and Estate Planning

Perhaps the easiest way to make a planned donation is to include the Illinois Railway Museum in your will or trust. You can make arrangements for the museum to receive either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the remainder of your estate. To leave a gift to the museum in your will or trust, simply share the language below with your financial planner or attorney.

“I give (the sum of _____ dollars), or (all or % of the residuary of my estate) to the Illinois Railway Museum, an Illinois not for profit educational corporation (Federal ID# 36-6108196) located at 7000 Olson Road, Union IL 60180, postal address PO Box 0427, Union, IL 60180-0427.”

Unless otherwise specified, such gifts will be applied to the overall maintenance and development of the museum. Should you wish to see your donation applied to a specific area, we can routinely accept donations for the benefit of specific departments within the museum. Should you wish to see your donation applied more specifically than this or need any additional information, please contact the Museum Treasurer at the above address.

If you have included IRM in your will or trust, please contact our business office here and let us know so that we may include your contribution in our planning.

Retirement Plans

Another easy way you can support the Illinois Railway Museum is by naming the organization as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan. When children or anyone other than your spouse is named as a beneficiary of these plans, they receive just a fraction of the plan's face value because the inherited assets are subject to estate and income taxes. As a tax-exempt organization, IRM will typically receive the full amount of the plan's value.

To name the Illinois Railway Museum as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, just contact your plan administrator to obtain a beneficiary form.

Endowment Fund

Bequests and large donations are often directed to the museum's General Fund, where the money is allocated by museum management to an area of need or a capital project. Another option is to donate to the Endowment Fund and help provide for a more secure financial future for the museum. Donations to the Endowment Fund help provide a steady revenue stream for the organization and help ensure IRM will be a Museum in Motion far into the future. Donate to the Endowment Fund here.

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