
The Museum is closed until April.

Holiday event modified for 2020

The Illinois Railway Museum has further modified the Museum’s popular Holiday event: “Happy Holiday Railway: The Holiday Light Experience.”

Instead of streetcar rides and strolling the display barns and grounds, visitors will take a drive-through journey through the Museum campus, safely and comfortably in their personal vehicles. The route through the campus will take you past the best of the volunteer’s decorating work, including a fully-illuminated freight train! Christmas music will also be playing throughout the grounds. Unfortunately, the display barns, diner and other public facilities will not be open for the safety of all concerned. Visitors are asked to remain in their cars throughout their visit.

“The most important rule for our railroad operations is ‘SAFETY FIRST,’ Museum President Marcus Ruef explained, “and this also applies to our holiday event. The Museum’s first consideration must be the safety and well-being of our volunteers and our guests. The current moves toward increasingly stringent civil restrictions on public events makes it impossible to promise streetcar rides around the grounds or open buildings to visitors, yet we didn’t want all the hard work our volunteers have done to decorate the Museum campus to go to waste.”

Happy Holiday ROADway: The Holiday Light Experience begins on Thanksgiving weekend, Friday, November 27 through Sunday, November 29, then continues every Saturday and Sunday through December 26-27. Hours each day will be 5:00-8:00 PM. Any vehicles in line to enter at 8:00 PM WILL be admitted. Admission is a flat $10 per carload and NO advance purchase is necessary.

Again, for the safety of all concerned, the event will NOT open when weather conditions create hazardous driving. To confirm whether the event will be open visit the Museum’s website at www.irm.org or call their main number: 815-923-4391.

Everyone that has purchased tickets for the previously-scheduled HHR event will be receiving a full refund, posted back to the account the purchase was made from. The Museum wishes to thank everyone for their understanding and support as they continue to find a sustainable path forward and looks forward to better times ahead!