
The Museum is closed until April.

Phase 5 Reopening Update

We are thrilled that the State of Illinois has moved into Phase 5 of their reopening plan, and we very much look forward to welcoming back so many of our friends and supporters. Some of our health and safety guidelines are changing starting June 12th. Even with almost all of the prior COVID-19 restrictions being lifted, you will still find some things are different than they were pre-pandemic.

People who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear a face covering or socially distance when in buildings or on the Museum grounds. Those who are not fully vaccinated are expected to practice social distancing and wear a face covering at ALL times on Museum property, except when dining. As all railroad operations (including ours) are regulated by the Federal government, DOT and TSA regulations for public transportation supersede state regulations and also apply to the Museum’s trains. Therefore, like CTA and Metra, we must still require face coverings aboard our trains. Please bring your own face covering and wear it whenever riding. More information, including specifics on masks and information on museum amenities including the Central Diner and the playground, can be found on our Hours and Admission page. Visitors are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance online. Click here to check on ticket availability.

The Museum is committed to providing the experience our regular visitors know and love while observing all applicable guidance of the civil authorities, and the health and safety of our visitors, members and staff remains foremost. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation in making our full reopening a success.