
The Museum is closed until April.

Unique Experiences for Museum Showcase Weekend Announced

IRM is pleased to announce a series of unique offerings and experiences during its annual Museum Showcase Weekend, September 16th and 17th, to commemorate the organization’s 70th anniversary.

This year’s Showcase Weekend will feature constant train operations between 10:00am Saturday and 6:00pm Sunday, including the first time IRM has ever operated trains throughout the night. Steam and diesel trains are expected to operate during daytime and evening hours, with late-night and overnight service provided by the Nebraska Zephyr, diesel coach train, and electric trains. Overnight traction freight service and a steam-powered demonstration freight train will be operated for photographers.

In addition, IRM will be offering a unique opportunity to dine aboard the Nebraska Zephyr in its historic dining car Ceres. Saturday evening, a dinner trip will operate with a four-course meal served out of the train’s original galley. Limited seating in the parlor-observation car Juno is also available. Sunday morning, for the first time in the museum’s history, breakfast will be served aboard the Nebraska Zephyr on a pair of scheduled morning trips departing from the East Union Depot at 9:00am and 11:00am. Tickets for dinner and breakfast trains must be purchased in advance here.

Additional attractions planned for Museum Showcase Weekend include operation of the museum’s “heavyweight train” of Pullman cars; two steam engines in operation; the always-popular caboose train; and demonstrations of railway post office (RPO) mail bag “catches” in front of the depot.

For more information on events, and to purchase tickets, see the Museum Showcase Weekend event page.