Freight Cars

Trailer Train (TTX) 470902
Description: | FC Intermodal Flat Car |
Equipment Information
TTX 470902 is one of the earliest modern intermodal flat cars preserved in America. It was built at the same time Trailer Train was created as a joint venture by several railroads to support intermodal shipping, or the shipment of semi trailers and containers by rail, and was the forerunner of tens of thousands of TOFC (“trailer on flat car”) cars built since.
COMPARE ME WITH: North Shore Line 1502, an intermodal flat car built nearly three decades earlier. The NSL car was built for the same general purpose but was designed for hauling specially built trailers over short distances, not for the nationwide large-capacity network that was created by TTX using cars like 470902.
Builder: Chicago Burlington & Quincy
Year Built: 1955
Length: 78ft
Width: 9ft 7in
Height: 8ft 7in
Weight: 76300 lbs
Brakes: AB
Trucks: CB&Q No. 95
Arrived: 2000
Description: Intermodal Container Car / Two Trailer Capacity / Cast-steel Frame / type F39C
Read more about the history of this car in Rail & Wire #190
Ownership History
1955-1956 – Chicago Burlington & Quincy #470902
1956-2000 – Trailer Train (TTX) #470902
2000-present – Illinois Railway Museum, Union, IL
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