Price List


  • Many drawings are between 100 and 140 years old. Even so, most of the time their condition is very good. The newer drawings, often on cheaper media, may actually be in worse condition.
  • Prices are subject to change at any time.
  • The collection is stored in the Library building, several railroad cars, and a storage unit. Timeliness often is determined by weather and ability to access the storage facilities where a given drawing resides.
  • Any and ALL requests MUST be accompanied by a complete, signed License Agreement ($0.00) – No Exceptions.

Effective immediately, and in place until further notice, we can no longer accept requests for printed drawings. All delivery service companies (USPS, FedEx, UPS) have shown an inability to deliver the packages with drawings (intact, near on-time, and/or at all). If you insist on paper, we will charge the below rates, send it Priority Mail and provide a tracking number. We will not be responsible for missing, delayed or lost packages. (Insurance is meaningless, as they are printed matter, the USPS, etc. will not reimburse us for lost items nor replace shipping costs. Hopefully, post-Pandemic, this will change.)

Ordering Information:

  1. Photographs (if available) $12.00 each – Scanned at high resolution, stored as TIF files, uploaded for secure digital download (link sent in e-mail). Copies printed on photographic paper in 8 x10 and shipped – $25 each.
  2. Drawing List, per lot number, 24# acid-free paper, shipped $0.30 per page. Minimum order $30 (not applicable if part of a Drawing or Photo Order)
  3. Specifications, per lot number, 24# acid-free paper, shipped $0.30 per page. Exceptions: if the specification and drawing list is short (early lot numbers), $15 will be charged for both. Note late lots are extensive and may include multiple car types. Fees are based on 30 cents/page, 25 cents in bulk. Minimum order $30 (not applicable if part of a Drawing Order). We can not extract one Plan from a Lot covering multiple Plans
  4. Drawings – The Prices reflect scanned images stored as TIF files and uploaded for secure digital download (link sent in e-mail). (One copier print on 20# drawing paper, in shipping tube – is 25% or $10 more). Minimum order $25, UPS or priority mail insured included in the printed drawing price. The price indicated is for each drawing.

    9 x 12 $5.00 $6.25 9 12 108 A A A & F 1000 A 0.046296
    12 x 18 $10.00 $12.50 12 18 216 B B B & E 2000 T 0.046296
    12 x 24 $12.50 $15.75 12 24 288 N/A 3000 K, L 0.043403
    12 x 48 $15.00 $18.75 12 48 576 N/A N/A B 0.026042
    18 x 24 $15.00 $18.75 18 24 432 C C C & D N/A C 0.034722
    18 x 48 $15.00 $18.75 18 48 864 N/A N/A B 0.017361
    24 x 36 $18.50 $23.00 24 36 864 D D D & B 4000 D 0.021412
    24 x 48 $25.00 $30.00 24 48 1152 N/A N/A H 0.021701
    36 x 48 $25.00 $30.00 36 48 1728 E E E & A 5000 E 0.014468
    36 x < 60 $25.00 $30.00 36 60 2160 T 6000 F 0.011574
    36 x < 85 $30.00 $37.00 36 85 3060 T XL 7000 0.009804
    36 x <99 $35.00 $43.50 36 99 3564 T XXL N/A 0.00982
    36 x <123 $40.00 $50.00 36 123 4428 T XXXL N/A F+ 0.009033
    36 x >124 $45.00 $52.50 36 124 4464 T XXXXL N/A 0.010081

    *Budd drawing sizes changed in the 1950s

    SERVICE/CHARGE $ On Request
    CD/DVD Media $20.00
    Photographs $12.00
    Research $ On Request
    Shipping (Photo ~25%
    Shipping (Paper) ~25%
    Shipping Digital) $0
    Drawing Lists
    $.30 per page
    IRM Indexes &  Lists $ On Request


  5. Search Fees, Research Services for un-indexed materials: Price will be quoted on request.
  6. A license agreement is required to be signed prior to receiving specifications and/or drawings, which includes model makers and car owners for signature.

To access the Pullman archives we need to know the lot number. If you have the year, the car name, or the railroad that ordered the car, we might be able to find the car. For each lot, Pullman created a “Builders Spec.” and/or a “Drawing List”. The Builders Spec. has detailed information on the car dimensions and weight, paint and decoration, components, etc. The Drawing List usually provides you with floor and ceiling plans (B_size by plan number), structural and construction detail drawings.

After it is determined that the material is available, make out a check payable to the Illinois Railway Museum, enclosing the check with your order. Shipment is usually within a few weeks of the order. The policy is to turn in the check when the order is shipped. Not all drawings will be found. Please verify that the drawings are available before sending in your order.

There is an incredible cost in housing and maintaining a collection of 1,000,000 Egyptian Linen and tracing paper drawings. Climate control and security systems are being used. So don’t be disappointed in the price list. For large drawing orders only, excluding photos and spec/drawing lists, a discount schedule is available.

Prices subject to change without notice
Foreign orders to be quoted for shipping costs

Copyright © 1995-2025, Illinois Railway Museum. All rights reserved.