In the News
Pumpkin Train event cancelled for 2020
The Illinois Railway Museum has made the decision to cancel its annual Pumpkin Train event for 2020. Given the social distancing and other health safety measures currently in place, the museum feels that it would not be able to safely offer a full “pumpkin patch” experience as it has done
Museum to reopen in late July
To our visitors, members and staff: The Illinois Railway Museum is now finalizing plans to reopen. Our absolute priority is everyone’s safety in these difficult times. We plan to open July 18-19 for members only and to both visitors and members beginning July 25-26. These dates are subject to our
Statement issued by the Illinois Railway Museum 5/30/2020
Due to the great deal of uncertainty surrounding opening and operating our Museum campus consistent with public policy and health recommendations, the Illinois Railway Museum remains closed to the public until further notice and has elected to proactively cancel all previously-announced special events scheduled through September 15, 2020. The Museum
Dayton trolley bus joins IRM collection
The latest addition to the Illinois Railway Museum’s historic collection, electric trolley bus 9809 from Dayton, Ohio, arrived at the museum on May 1, 2020. The type 14TrE2 trolley bus was built in 1998 by Electric Transit Inc, a joint venture between US defense contractor AAI and longtime Czech Republic
IRM awarded grant by John H. Emery Rail Heritage Trust
The Illinois Railway Museum has been awarded a grant of $25,000 by the John H. Emery Rail Heritage Trust. This grant, which follows an initial grant awarded in early 2019, funds the second part of a major rehabilitation and stabilization program concentrating on the museum’s network of overhead trolley wire
Statement issued by the Illinois Railway Museum 3/14/2020
Due to the rapid progression of the Corona Virus public health crisis in the State of Illinois and the Chicago Area, the Illinois Railway Museum will immediately undertake the following protective measures: The Bunny Trolley Hop event scheduled for April 4-5-11, 2020, centered around the Easter Holiday, will be cancelled
Schedule for 2020 finalized
The Illinois Railway Museum is pleased to announce that it has finalized its 2020 operating schedule. The schedule is available at A list of special events planned for 2020 is on the museum’s hours and admission page. Popular family-themed special events including Bunny Trolley Hop, Day Out With Thomas™,
Museum acquires private car Pawnee
Union, IL – The Illinois Railway Museum (IRM) is pleased to announce that it has acquired the historic Pullman private car Pawnee. The car arrived at the museum on its own wheels on Thursday, December 12th. This historic railroad car was built in 1930 and is the second-to-last traditional “heavyweight”
Power outage on November 30th
At about 4:45 p.m. on the evening of November 30th, at the peak of our Happy Holiday Railway event, Commonwealth Edison suffered a failure in their supply system that deprived the museum of electrical power. Power was not restored until approximately 8:00 p.m. While we were able to operate the
Milestone reached for TP&W 800
IRM is pleased to announce that it has achieved its initial fundraising goal for Toledo Peoria & Western 800, the Alco C424 locomotive acquired in 2018 from the Morristown & Erie Railroad. This initial goal, to raise $60,000 to fund the purchase of the locomotive and transportation to Union, was